While no permanent damage was done, the wound makes it difficult to do anything really physical. But I’m on the mend and will be back to 100% soon.
On a more pleasant note, I was able to obtain a picture of the Fox River Forge crew! Spike and Andy came to a recent performance of mine at The Steaming Cup, a local Waukesha coffee shop I perform at with Francesca and Jerry Danks regularly.
(The Fox River Forge Crew from left to right; Spike, Chris, and Andy)
Plans for the forge have been sketched and will be drawn out in the next week or so. We are also moving forward with the purchase of a blower for the forge. I had a meeting with Spike a couple of weeks ago regarding the metal arts end of Spike’s Creations, the parent company under which The Fox River Forge operates. We discussed issues regarding inventory, studio relocation, and website store possibilities! We will keep you in the know as developments arise!