Sunday, June 1, 2014

A lamp for Kim.

Greetings friends. Long time, no word. I apologize for that. Things have been kinda crazy for me both with the forge and outside the forge but that's a story for another time. This post is about my very first lamp! Late last year I contacted a friend of mine who is a potter about making me several coffee mugs. After some discussion we worked out a work in trade where she would make the mugs and I would make her something at the forge. After some brainstorming we settled on a desk lamp. She wanted it to be completely original and of my own design and wanted no input on it what-so-ever so it would be a surprise. The only thing I made her decide on was if it was going to be painted or raw. She chose painted. Here are some pictures of the process.
Once it was finished, I went looking and found a lamp shade took it home and made a video.A video I made once I put a bulb in it and put the shade on it can be watched HERE.