Saturday, July 18, 2020

Something New Brewing

Greetings my wonderful Fox River Roustabouts, today I am excited to announce something new coming out of the shop. I am going to start doing coffee review videos. I’ve been a regular coffee drinker for decades consuming vast amounts of the wonderfully caffeinated elixir while working or making music or just hanging out at a cafe with friends. I’ve noticed that coffee culture has been growing and when you look on media sites there is all sorts of content related to “this roast” or “that grinder” or “those brew methods” and is constantly portraying a glamorized idea of coffee culture. I noticed something missing. There is very little input from the average, everyday working stiff slugging back a “cup-o-joe” as they deal with their blue-collar, multiple-job trying to make-ends-meet life. So I thought I could develop a series using a basic automatic drip coffee maker and do some taste tests of different types of coffee available for purchase. I’ll use some standard controls so I can maintain a neutral brew environment like store bought water and a reusable, dishwasher safe filter. I think this will help eliminate anything that might unduly affect the coffee I brew. I’m looking to start this series in the very near future. I hope it turns out well and provides some entertainment for everyone. If there is a coffee you would like to recommend please feel free to send me an email at and I’ll check it out.