Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Two months in a row?

What's this? It's not going to be months before a new post is put up? WTF? (What The Forge;)
In all seriousness, I am looking to keep this more current as I refocus my efforts at the forge.


A couple days ago I turned 42 and my wonderful girlfriend, who is far more tech-savvy that I am, set me up with my own custom URL for the forge which includes an email address so now in addition to going to www.foxriverforge.com,  you can email me at chris@foxriverforge.com with any questions, orders, sarcasm or whatever you wish.

I have also set up a PayPal account to make purchasing some of my stuff and little easier for anyone out of the immediate area. I am looking into ways to show what I have available for purchase and as soon as that is worked out in will be sure to post about it. I know Etsy is popular for this sort of thing but I'm not sure it's right for me. It is in the list of options I'll be researching.