I’m not a New Year’s Resolution person,
like, AT ALL.
I don't need a special day dedicated to making promises I’m not likely to keep. I do, however, like tidy increments of time so since it’s January I’m launching an overhaul of my YouTube channel. I haven’t been able to get out to the forge at my dad's house for months mostly because it’s inconvenient to wedge into my schedule, so I made a decision. I’m moving the forge.
My house has a two car garage and I am going to give up parking inside so that I can put together a shop where I can work both on home projects and other creative endeavors.
I want to start making regular YouTube videos showing the creation of the shop and the projects that go through it. I’d like to augment that channel by creating corresponding posts here. I would use these posts to provide more details and explain things that either I didn’t have time for in the video or would be too tangential.
My gear and expertise in video creation is fairly sketchy but I hope to improve that with time.
The first video in this series is called “A New Beginning” and I’m literally, starting from scratch. I used my phone and the YouTube app to shoot it. It didn’t sound or look that great but I got it done.