Saturday, October 17, 2020
Spyhouse Coffee Roasters - Orion Signature Blend
Greetings my fellow Fox River Roustabouts, welcome back to the shop. It’s time for another video from our coffee review series. Today I am featuring some coffee gifted to me by a long-time friend and band-mate Aaron. I was chatting with him after seeing a picture of his home coffee station and when I mentioned I was doing coffee reviews he said he had some coffee he thought I would like and offered to grind up a pot worth. The coffee he gave me is from a bag of “Orion Signature Blend” coffee he bought in Minnesota at Spyhouse Coffee Roasters. While making the video I desperately wanted to use the Metallica song “Orion” off their epic 1986 album “Master of Puppets”. It is one of my favorite songs from the band but of course I would almost immediately get hit for song licensing issues so I settled for adding a hyperlink to the song title above. Even though I couldn’t use the song, I still enjoyed the stars out of this coffee. Enjoy!
Coffee review,